We’re excited to announce the six recipients of our 2023 Young Talents Fellowship, who will conduct their Master theses within our member groups in fall 2023 and spring 2024. Congratulations and welcome to our network, Daphne, Christian, Iris, Gabriel, Till and Pol!
- Daphne Lucidarme from Belgium studies chemistry at the University of Antwerp and will join the group of Prof. Jérôme Waser at EPFL.
- Christian Zachau from Germany studies Chemistry at Freie Universität Berlin, and will join the group of Prof. Bill Morandi at ETH Zurich
- Iris Nogueroles Langa from Spain studies Chemical and Bioengineering at ETH Zurich, and will join Prof. Javier Pérez-Ramírez's group at ETH Zurich
- Gabriel Chaves Cathoud Pinheiro from Brazil studies Informatics and Engineering at the University of Coimbra in Portugal and will join Prof. Kjell Jorner's group at ETH Zurich.
- Till Schreyer from Germany studies Chemistry at the University of Heidelberg, and will join Prof. Cristina Nevado's group at University of Zurich
- Pol Gorrea Acin from Spain studies Chemistry at EPFL, and will join Prof. Xile Hu’s group at EPFL
The Young Talents Fellowship supports students with an exceptional academic record and diverse backgrounds. It provides them with the opportunity to conduct a master thesis project in a research group associated with NCCR Catalysis, and to establish their connections and ideas in a multidisciplinary, cross-fertilizing environment of research excellence. This initiative to promote fair representation in catalysis research was launched in 2022. Further editions will be announced on the link below and our social media channels.